What's New in Equine Wound management?
Category: VN Equine | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)
Prof. Patrick J Pollock BVMS, PhD, CertES(Soft Tissue), FHEA, DipECVS, FRCVS, Royal(Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland | EC2022
45 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD
Wounds continue to challenge horse owners, veterinary surgeons and nurses, both in terms of time lost to exercise and due to the financial burden they place on horse owners.
As a result of a myriad of factors, including the environments in which they live, abnormalities in the physiology of healing, and their temperaments, wound healing in horses is often protracted and complicated.
The way we approach wounds at the point of injury is critical to optimising healing, and for a rapid and functional repair of the injury.
Recently some wonderful innovations have changed the way we approach wounds, join us to hear how you can incorporate these ideas and new technologies into your practice.