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How Regenerative Medicine improves Clinical Outcomes in the Equine Patient

Category: VN Equine | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)

Dr Stephen Barabas BSc BVMS MRCVS, VBS Direct | EC2022

45 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

This lecture will explain what constitutes regenerative medicine. It will discuss Interleukin Receptor Antagonist Proteins, Alpha-2 Macroglobulins, Platelet Rich Plasma, Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate, and Stem Cells. It will illustrate clinical publications to show the benefits of Regenerative Medicine therapy for equine clinics and hospitals post-surgically and for superficial tissues, musculoskeletal rehabilitation and pain management control.

We will have an in-depth analysis of Platelet Rich Plasma products, the ease and cost effectiveness of PRP Regenerative therapy and an overview of the science and biological activity of injecting platelet and circulating white blood cells to stimulate biological regeneration and pain management.

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