The Nurses Role in Equine Diagnostic Imaging
Category: VN Equine | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)
Catherine Chanin FdSc DipAVN DipHECVN JSQP REVN, Stringer Equine Veterinary Surgeons | EC2022
50 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD
Do you want to up-skill and increase your role and understanding in Equine Diagnostic Imaging Techniques? The Session is perfect for Veterinary nurses working in equine first opinion both clinic based and ambulatory or working in a referral hospital.
The course is presented by an Equine Veterinary Nurse who has worked in a Referral hospital and now works in a busy ambulatory practice as a sole veterinary nurse. The session should help veterinary nurses to improve image quality in a range of diagnostic modalities. Including information on radiation safety, which has recently become a hotter topic with the changes to radiation regulations in the UK.
The aim is for you to feel more confident in all forms of Equine diagnostic imaging, and Catherine hopes to share her passion for good image quality whilst maintaining patient compliance and safety for all personnel involved.