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Talking to Clients about Money

Category: Customer Service | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)

Hannah Perrin BSc MA PGCHE PGDipHE PhD FHEA, Veterinary Management Group (VMG) | VRC2023

40 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Having conversations about money can be one of the most challenging areas of working a veterinary front desk. Situations can be emotional, you’re busy, there’s 100 demands on your time and the phone keeps ringing. How do you ensure that payment protocols are followed? How do you distinguish between can’t pay and won’t pay? How do you ensure that everyone can do their best for the animals under your care – while generating enough income to keep the business afloat?

In this session we will explore a range of practical techniques you can use to help those client conversations run smoothly and positively, ensuring that your clients are happy – and your bills get paid.

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