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Rabbits as Prey and Humans as Predators: the dichotomy of interacting and living together

Category: VN Small Animal, Wildlife and Exotics | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)

Rosie Bescoby, ASAB | RSFC2022

60 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

Rabbits began to become domesticated only around 1,400 year ago and the domestic bunny retains the same instincts and needs as their wild counterparts. Whilst pet rabbits’ flight instinct is inhibited compared to wild rabbits, they remain a prey species and humans an apex predator. This consideration should influence how we keep domestic rabbits in terms of companionship and their home environment, as well as how owners interact with them on a daily basis and how veterinary staff handle rabbits and meeting their needs when hospitalised.

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