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Advanced Anaesthesia for the Orthopaedic Brachycephalic Patient

Category: Veterinary Nursing | Price: £30 (£25 exc VAT)

Advanced Anaesthesia for the Orthopaedic Brachycephalic Patient (AVNC2024)

50 minute video - Certificated at 1 hour of CPD

This presentation aims to briefly introduce the orthopaedic conditions that most commonly present in our brachycephalic patients and the corrective surgical techniques available. The main emphasis will be on the approach to anaesthesia.

By having a basic understanding of elective orthopaedic procedures and the type of patient they most commonly affect, we can start to plan appropriately for the general anaesthetic. We all know that brachycephalic’s present with their own set of challenges - this talk will address these and the use of advanced anaesthesia and analgesia techniques for the orthopaedic patient with a series of case studies.

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