Staff and Students Raise Lots for Children in Need

Veterinary Nursing Students in onesies raising money for Children in Need

Veterinary nursing students raising money for Children in Need in their onesies

Staff and students from The College of Animal Welfare in Godmanchester were delighted to raise £126 for Children In Need on Friday 13 November.

A variety of ‘spottiness’ was seen around the college –from spotty scarfs and spotty shirts to spotty onesies and spotty cakes!



Alison German, Marketing Executive at The College of Animal Welfare, commented: “It was lovely to see our staff and students come together to raise money for such a great cause”. She continued “We aimed to raise at least £100, so we are delighted that we managed to beat this target!”

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For more information please contact:
Alison German RVN
Marketing Executive
The College of Animal Welfare

Notes to editors:
The College of Animal Welfare is one of the UK’s leading providers of veterinary nurse and animal care training and education; operating from four training centres around the UK.

The College has a well-earned reputation for excellence and has created a number of unique achievements that have created new opportunities for learning.

For more information about The College of Animal Welfare please visit