Save the UK’s Declining Bee Population

Why are our Bees Disappearing?

World bee populations are in serious decline. Scientists are still uncertain as to why we have seen a dramatic decline in world bee populations, but it s currently thought to be a combination of; climate change, disease, parasites, pesticides and loss of habitat.

Why should I Bee Concerned?

Bees are some of natures best pollinators and many plant species rely upon them. We are not just talking about pretty flowering plants here either, all our fruit baring plants and crops almost exclusively depend on bees  for pollination. Some scientists believe that we could see as much as a third of our diet disappear in coming decades.

How Can I Help Save Bees?

There are two main things that we, the public, can do to help save our local bee population:

  1. Create a bee friendly habitat in your garden.
  2. Spread the word to your family, friends and colleagues.

How to Create a Bee Friendly Habitat in my Garden

Planting: Make your garden more beautiful and feed bees at the same time by planting to attract bees. This comprehensive list of bee friendly flowers should help you when you visit the garden centre. Alternatively you could try and create your own wild-flower meadow. Find out more:

Make your own bee hotel: In return for providing bees a resting place and food, they’ll make your garden more successful by pollinating your flowers. BBC Nature shows you how with this great tutorial video.

Resources and Further Reading:

United Nations Environment Programme

BBC News: Long Term Consequences of Decline in Bee Population

The Guardian: Working together to solve the plight of the short-haired bumblebee [29/05/2012]