Petition Parliament to Protect our Hedgehogs

UK hedgehog populations have dropped 99.97% since the 1950’s!

Now it’s your chance to help protect the remaining 0.9 million hedgehogs by petitioning Parliament to list them under Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

This will “Prohibit the intentional killing, injuring or taking of the species”, placing the hedgehog on the same list as our Adders, Water Voles and Angel Sharks, ensuring that their plight is recognised.

There are currently around 15% of the 100,000 signatures required to bring this to Parliament for debate, so please get involved.

What do I have to do?

Simply follow this link and enter your details on the government site. Don’t worry your personal details are private and you won’t receive any spam!

Sign the petition today

Could you Volunteer?

Bev Harding, The College of Animal Welfare’s resident hedgehog evangelist, is passionate about hedgehog conservation and is extremely concerned about the state of our UK hedgehog population. She is looking for volunteers to join her at Shepreth Wildlife Conservation Charity’s Hedgehog Hospital, based at the Shepreth Wildlife Park; please contact for more information and to download a volunteer application form.