Older People’s Day

Is it true you’re rock climbing? Learning to scuba dive? Running a marathon? But you’re over 60…

Do you think over 60 means over life? We think you’re only just getting started!

Thursday 1st October, 2015 is officially Older People’s Day, an International Day created to recognise and celebrate the achievements and contributions that older people make to our society.

This year’s theme ‘Full of Life’ will enable celebrations and activities to promote healthy life styles, give opportunities to combat loneliness, encourage volunteering and sharing skills with different generations.

People are living longer and Older People’s Day (OPD) want to ensure that we all adapt successfully to the fundamental changes that this will bring to society. A number of organisations such as; The Ostrich Group, Age UK, National Lottery, and a variety of UK colleges and councils are actively working together to make a difference and build on the ongoing opportunities for older people.

Older People’s Day is a chance to capture the UK’s inspiring older people and share it with everyone everywhere.

Do you know an older person that’s made a difference? Maybe they’ve done something crazy or amazing? Upload your stories or photos with #FullofLife @CAWinfo to Facebook or Twitter now and help encourage others to break stereotypes and celebrate the older generation.

Go to www.olderpeoplesday.co.uk/ for more information, and find out other ways you can get involved to celebrate UK Older People’s Day #FullofLife

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