Clinical Coach Area – VLE

Clinical Coach VLE ScreenshotThe clinical coach area of the The College of Animal Welfare VLE is a fantastic resource for all clinical coaches, whether you have been a coach for one year or 10!

As a Clinical Coach you need to have regular tutorials with your students and you can find tutorial record completion guidance along with a Tutorial record template on the VLE. There is also a guide to appropriate reflective comments for NPL completion and a NPL tracking sheet, this tracking sheet also shows the calculations you need to work out the percentage of NPL completion which students love to know.

If you need templates for risk assessments, nursing care plan models and hospital record sheets these can all be found in the Clinical Coach area of the VLE.

There are links to the RCVS and City & Guilds websites so that you can access the OSCE tasks that the students will need to learn for their final practical exam. This is a good place to start when teaching your student in practice, if the student learns the OSCE way of doing things they are less likely to pick up bad habits.

In the OSCE task section there are powerpoints of all the OSCE tasks being completed step by step so it is clear exactly how a task should be carried out.

There is a veterinary instrument slideshow which shows a picture of an instrument and when you roll your mouse over it the name of the instrument appears, this is great for practices that may not have all the instruments a student needs to learn.

Vet Logic is also a very valuable area of the VLE, here you will find descriptions and diagrams of each part of the Veterinary Nurses role in practice. There is also a multiple choice questionnaire with 1500 questions. This is great if you as the clinical coach need a refresher in certain areas.

The E-Library is accessed through the Clinical Coach area of the VLE, here you can download books to read or to use as reference. This is a great resource and there are thousands of books to choose from.

Last but by no means least we have the student information, this gives you access to all the schemes of work for your student and also the RCVS and City & Guild student handbooks, fitness to practice code and other guidance for students working in Veterinary Practice.
If there is anything that isn’t currently on the VLE which you think would be useful please let your Quality Assurance Supervisor know so that we can get this actioned.