Changes to Standardisation Sessions

Standardisation events at The College of Animal Welfare will now be separated into three different subject areas so that you can choose which area you would like more support/knowledge in.

Tutorials to assist supporting and planning for students’ progress.

An overview covering how to use tutorials successfully to plan, set SMART targets and review progress. Including a section on current OSCE tasks and finally a chance to speak to a member of the academic team with any academic questions you may have regarding the programme.

Improving your Information technology and OSCE skills

Learn how to use the CAW VLE to support your student and improve your knowledge of OSCE skills.

First Steps

This is aimed at revisiting the first steps of being a clinical coach. If you are a new clinical coach or restarting after a break this is for you. Also includes OSCE skills.

More information on dates, times and locations can be found on our website.