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Articles with the Tag: "Inspiration"

Total posts for this tag: 16

How to Welcome your New Year’s New Staff

Mark Hedberg, DrMedVet MRCVS Well, that was quite the New Year’s Bash you had at your workplace! Still, the work-week has reared its ugly head. You’ve managed to shake off the headache, taken down the bunting, and you’ve successfully removed the HR bloke from where the accountants gaffer taped him to the side of the […]


How Much Does Stress Cost You?

Mark Hedberg, DrMedVet MRCVS   Ask anybody about stress in their job and you’ll get responses ranging from eye-rolls to the classic dry humor that Britain is famous for. Long hours, high stress situations (emergencies or unplanned extra work!!) and poor pay (the UK National Minimum Wage is less than £12,000/pa after tax1) combine to […]


Secret Santa Struggle?

Yes, it’s edging closer to that time of year when the chances are you face a wide spread dilemma – what on earth are you meant to get as a secret Santa present for your colleague? Perhaps you may not know the staff member that well, do you choose a ‘funny gift’ and hope you […]


Three Ways to Maintain Your Focus

Laura Kemp Remember why you chose your career path Keep motivated to progress forward by remembering the very reasons why you chose your current job role. Was it because of the financial rewards that were possible, or perhaps the potential career prospects? Often it is far too easy to get tied down with the small […]


Happiness in the Workplace: Cause or Effect?

Mark Hedberg, DrMedVet MRCVS Happiness is a popular topic these days. Today in the UK you can find positivity self-help books, hear about beating winter blues, statistics detailing how happy workplaces are productive workplaces, and a host of other sources discussing how happiness is indeed a marvelous thing and we should all be happier. However, […]



When searching for life on other planets, scientists look to the extreme conditions that life can survive in, here on planet Earth.


Hero Dog Theo Honoured With ‘Victoria Cross’

Theo, an Army explosives sniffer dog who died hours after his handler, Lance Corporal Liam Tasker, is to be awarded the PDSA Dickin Medal, known as the animals’ Victoria Cross. Together, Theo and Tasker saved countless lives by detecting a record 14 roadside bombs and weapons in five months. The pair were inseparable with Theo […]


Edinburgh Rooms

Dog saves her pups from fire and puts them in a fire engine! [Pic]

Amanda captured the hearts of the city of Temuco, Chile after she rescued her five pups from a burning building and then placed them in the safety of a nearby fire engine. She could be seen moving back and forth between the house and the fire engine until all the pups were saved, each time […]


Last of His Kind, Lonesome George, Dies

Known as the rarest species in the world, the Pinta Tortoise of the Galapagos Islands are now extinct.


Woman Finds Her Long Lost Dog on the Way to Pet Crematorium
