Online, distance learning courses
Benefits of online study:
- Entirely online – from registration and learning materials through to assessment
- No location restraints – study at home, at work, on the train, in the UK or overseas
- No time restraints – on your lunch break, late at night, at weekends
About our online, distance learning, courses
In order to make learning as accessible as possible, we have invested a considerable amount of time and money into developing online courses that are fit for purpose and allow learners who may not be able to attend College to still access quality training and education in the comfort of their own home or workplace.
All of our online courses can be started at any time and can be taken by learners both in the UK and overseas where relevant and appropriate.
The courses are hosted on the College’s VLE (Virtual Learning Environment). After enrolment you will be given a username and password which will provide you with access to the VLE and all your online material. You will also be allocated a distance learning tutor who will guide and support you through your programme.
Online learning material comes in a variety of formats such as online text, downloadable PDFs, audio and video as well as interactive learning material. Online assessment is typically conducted using timed and secure multiple choice exams.
If you would like to discuss online learning further to see whether it is for you, please contact us.