autumn leaves - health and fitness tips

Health and Fitness Tips of the Month: October


Did you know smoking is the biggest cause of death and illness in the UK? 1 cigarette contains around 4800 chemicals; only 69 are known. Smoking can cause unrepairable damage to our lungs which make it harder for smokers to breathe.

Passive smoking is dangerous because although you can’t see the smoke the chemicals can still be in the air and on clothing. This can increase the chances of a non-smoker developing lung cancer.

If you need advice on how to stop smoking contact your GP or have a look on the NHS website. There are lots of way to assist you in quitting smoking such as the E-cig, nicotine patch, nicotine chewing gum, nasal/mouth spray and tablets.

Stop smoking for 28 days in October for Stoptober and take part in a nationwide challenge!


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends an intake of 2.5 litres of water for men and 2.0 litres of water for women per day, via food and drink consumption. Of this, they suggest that 70-80% of the daily water intake should come from drinks, and the remaining 20-30% should come from food.” (

Based on the above and that a glass is approx. 250ml, you should aim to drink at least:

  • 1750ml (7 cups) to 2000ml (8 cups) men per day
  • 1400ml (5.6 cups) to 1600ml (6.4 cups) women per day
  • Or a glass of water every 2 to 3 hours (based on a 14 hour day)
  • Or 2.5 to 4 glasses during your day at college. (total 625ml to 1000ml)

The Art of Music

When people are looking to enjoy life they often turn to music. Whether it’s a Beatle’s ballad, Mozart’s Requiem or Ed Sheeran’s latest, music plays as a background to our greatest life changing moments.

However, it may be wrong to think of it as just background music. Music can have a much more active effect on our wellbeing. According to scientists music affects the body in physical ways. It can cause changes to the elements that make up our body, how it deals with situations.

It is fairly obvious that music can make us happier, it gives us a natural high. But it can also lower stress, help you sleep better, reduce depression, even reduce your need for food and keep you slimmer. Its effects on our body can even make us run faster.

Listening to music helps our brain take in information. It can help you learn, increase your ability to think and your verbal skills. Most importantly it can keep your brain young.

Then there is the known uses of music as medicine. It can help dementia sufferers regain their memory, overcome pain, counteract stroke effects on the brain and help patients prepare for and recover from surgery.

All of these are affected by listening to music but the effects are amplified when the subject is actively involved, either playing music instruments or just simply singing. Music should not stay in the background. Bring it to the front of your life.