Health and Fitness Tip of the Week: Mental Health

Did you know almost 80,000 people aged 21 and under have serious depression? Your mental health is one of the most important parts to your health and wellbeing.

Looking after your mental health as well as your physical health helps prevent mental illnesses impacting on your daily life. Eating healthy and regular exercise can help maintain your mental health. Socialising and creating distractions which you enjoy can be a good way to improve your mood if you’re feeling down. There are over 200 named types of mental illnesses. The most common are depression, bipolar, dementia, schizophrenia, anxiety and eating disorders.

If you think you or someone else has a mental illness there are support centres across the UK;NHS, St.Andrews, Young minds. You can contact your doctor if you have concerns for your wellbeing, they will help you seek advice and support if you need it. If you are in college you can speak to a tutor about any concerns you may have about yourself or another student.

“Life is like a mirror; it will smile at you if you smile at it”
“We need to change the culture of this topic and make it okay to speak about mental health and suicide.”