Health and Fitness Tip of the Week: Maintaining a healthy weight

Did you know that our bodies can lose muscle and gain fat without effecting our weight?

One in four adults are obese in the UK. Obesity can cause a lot of health problems such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, cancers and strokes. Anorexia is a mental health condition that effects the amount you eat. The mental illness causes you to think you are overweight when you aren’t. It is important to seek help from your doctor if you think you or another person has an eating disorder; the quicker you get the support the less chance you have of developing more health issues.

Maintaining a good body weight is important when looking after your health. Eating the correct amount of food and exercising weekly is the best way to control your weight. Keeping a food diary or setting yourself challenges each month is a fun way to record what you do and what you eat.