This session will be looking at understanding and managing both stress and conflict within the work environment and will cover the following key learning points:
- Causes and impacts of stress at work
- Symptoms of stress in self and in others
- Implications of stress for workplace and non-work activities/relationships
- Implications and effects of stress for individuals and organisations
- Management responsibilities in relation to work-related stress
- Simple practical stress management techniques
- Sources of available support for stress sufferers
- Action planning and review techniques
- Definitions of counselling, advising and mentoring and when to use each of them to support individuals
- Principles of counselling
- Mentoring, and the mentoring cycle
- Range of available counselling and support mechanisms
- Implications of confidentiality
- Possible causes of internal conflict, e.g. personal versus business objectives/values
- Causes of interpersonal friction at work, including bullying and harassment
- The effects of conflict on performance and the individual at work
- Stages in the development of conflict
- The manager’s responsibility in minimising and resolving conflict, and techniques to achieve this
- Ways to create harmony at work and engender a positive atmosphere