Course Overview

This online learning course (providing 12 hours of evidenced CPD) is aimed at registered and student veterinary nurses who are tasked with implanting microchips into dogs, cats, rabbits or ferrets under the direction of a veterinary surgeon.

As a registered vet nurse it is your professional responsibility to ensure your knowledge on the procedures you are undertaking is up-to-date. With all the changes to legislation recently, this course will ensure you are familiar with the new legislation, can identify the recognised implantation sites both in the UK and Europe, understand the process for non-functioning microchips, in addition to refreshing your knowledge on the range of equipment available and process and aftercare of the microchipped animal.

As part of this refresher course you will have the option to confirm your practical competence by microchipping two animals from the permitted species (as stated by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) and have a veterinary surgeon complete a witness testimony form. This form should then be kept with your CPD records and uploaded to your Professional Development Record (PDR).

The microchipping of any animal species other than dogs, cats, rabbits and ferrets, is deemed an act of veterinary surgery and may only be undertaken by a veterinary surgeon. Learners may not legally perform any action either during their training, or post-qualification, which may be interpreted as an act of veterinary surgery as defined by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966.

Course Content

You will update and refresh your knowledge on the following areas:

  • New microchipping legislation
  • Notifiable events
  • The use and maintenance of equipment
  • UK and European recognised implantation sites
  • Processes for non-functioning microchips
  • Implantation and aftercare


You will be required to complete quizzes and self-assessment tests to complete the course. A downloadable witness testimony will allow you to evidence your competence of microchip implantation in a minimum of two animals from the permitted species (dogs, cats, rabbits or ferrets) and keep with your CPD records.

Entry Requirements


This refresher course is aimed at registered or student veterinary nurses who are microchipping animals under the direction of a veterinary surgeon.

Course Fees

This online course costs £30.

What Next?

After completing this course you will be issued a certificate of course completion detailing your 12 hours of CPD.