Prosthetic Leg Saves Bella the Llama [Video]

12-year-old Bella the Llama broke her hind leg in an unfortunate gopher hole accident. Attempts to save the leg failed and infection set in, so the decision was made to try and save Bella and to amputate the leg. Shortly after the op Bella was showing signs of depression and was refusing to stand or even move at all, but rather than opting for euthanasia Bella’s owners went for a prosthesis instead and it has given Bella a new lease of life!

Hanger Clinics‘ Michael Carson who developed the custom prosthesis said: ‘Once she could start walking it really changed her. It gave her life back, she’s able to get around,’

‘She loves it,’ Trish (the owner) said. ‘She makes me feel guilty. When she sees me in the morning, if I don’t come out with her leg she just keeps starring at me. As soon as I put it on, her ears are up and she’s a happy camper.’

See more photos at Fox40

GizmodoDaily Mail / Fox40