Mini Chameleons [Pic]

Madagascar was once home to many species of giant animals and plants which became extinct after humans arrived. But these tiny reptiles have managed to elude us, hiding in small pockets of leaf litter in between limestone blocks. Well until now that is..

Tiny Chameleon

Juvenile Chameleon found on Nosy Hara, Madagascar

Four new species of these tiny Malagasy leaf-chameleons have been discovered in the remote rainforests of the small island ‘Nosy Hara’. None of them completely change colour, but when stressed a white stripe forms across their backs.

The fully-grown adults grow to a length of under 3cm! This type of extreme miniaturisation or ‘island-dwarfism’ is common on small islands where resources are limited and the competition to breed quickly is high.

Tiny Chameleon

Juvenile Chameleon found on Nosy Hara, Madagascar