Marine Animals Need Rights Too!

Orcas hunt in coordinated packs and even mourn their dead, Dolphins “talk” in their sleep and play games and Right-Whales have regional accents. Marine animals are smart, FACT! So shouldn’t marine animals have rights too?

Cetaceans (the name for the group of marine mammals which includes whales and dolphins) have complex social structures, feel emotions and some feature among our planets smartest creatures. Animal rights laws don’t seem to extend into the water. Isn’t it about time that changed?

Some Octopus starve themselves to death guarding their young, and are smart enough to solve puzzles and work their way through mazes.  Should animal rights be reserved for marine mammals only or perhaps it should extend to all sea life including fish, Crustacea and all the other sea creatures ?

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More Links: Dolphins “talk” Whale in their sleep!