Learner Satisfaction Survey

Each year, The College of Animal Welfare is required to gain its funded learner’s views on their learning journey. This is your opportunity to tell us what you think about the College; your feedback plays an important part in developing the quality of your education and training.

The survey asks for your opinion on a range of aspects, such as how satisfied you are with the teaching on your course and whether you would recommend us to a friend. The information you provide is used by OFSTED when making decisions about which providers to inspect, and when.

Who needs to complete the survey?

All learners at The College of Animal Welfare who are funded are required to complete the survey. Your tutor will provide you with your Unique Learner Number (ULN) and the College Provider Number. Once you have these you can start the survey online here:


The survey shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of your time to complete. Please do participate in this important survey. By sharing your views, you will help the College to further improve. Many thanks in advance.