Vet Futures: Share your vision to win London Vet Show trip!

Vet Futures is offering the chance to win an all-expenses paid trip to the London Vet Show (Olympia, 19-20 November) to the winner of it’s ‘Veterinary Vision’ essay competition.

Entrants- who could be vets, VNs, practice managers, students or anyone with a veterinary interest – are being asked to write an essay in no more than 1,000 words which outlines ‘An idea that will transform the veterinary/veterinary nursing profession by 2030.’
The winning entry will also be included in a time capsule, to be opened by the veterinary profession in 2030.

The entries will be judged by the Vet Futures Project Board, which includes the President and Chief Executives of both the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and the British Veterinary Association.

The closing date for entries is midnight on Monday 31st August 2015, and the winner will be notified on Monday 7th September 2015.

The full rules and details of how entries can be submitted can be found at