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Keeping your pets safe in the heat – top tips!

Keeping your pets safe in the heat – top tips!

Our pets love making the most out of the warm summer weather just as much as we do! Take the following precautions to ensure your pet stays safe in the sun.

  • Be sensible! To avoid heatstroke, it is best to exercise your pets in the early morning or evenings when temperatures are cooler. Try to keep pets out of sunlight during peak daylight hours, and provide regular shade. Remember that roads and paths can get extremely hot during the summer. If you’re unable to keep your hand on the path comfortably, the same applies to your pet and the heat will burn your pet’s paws.
  • If you suspect your pet may be suffering from heatstroke contact your vet immediately. Signs of heat stroke include panting, excessive drooling, increased body temperature, reddened gums, production of only small amounts of urine or no urine and rapid heart rate.
  • Ensuring your pet has regular access to cool, fresh water is vital to preventing overheating and dehydration. Additionally, never leave your pet in a hot car. You’ve probably heard this one before, but it’s worth saying over and over again! Temperatures inside a car can rise to dangerous levels very quickly, which can cause organ failure and rapid death in animals.