Bonfire Night is fast approaching, but random explosions and flashing lights make the night stressful for some. It is estimated that 45 percent of dogs in the UK show signs of fear when they hear fireworks. Remember to look out for your pet in advance by…
- Knowing the signs of distress in your pet so you can comfort them if need be; for instance pacing, trembling, cowering, hiding or loss of appetite.
- Making sure your pets are indoors where possible to prevent them from running away and getting lost or injured.
- Preparing your house so it is as comfortable as it can be; for instance by creating a suitable hiding place that your pets can go to if they’re scared, closing windows and curtains to reduce the visibility of flashing, and by creating similar sounds such as TV or radio to muffle the sound of fireworks.
For more information and resources on how you can help your pet cope with firework phobia, you can visit the RSPCA website.