Receding Flood Waters Pose New Dangers to Animals

Vets at the British Veterinary Association (BVA) are warning animal owners in flood-stricken areas to be aware of the new dangers posed by receding flood waters.

The water, which has flooded homes and land across the UK, is finally beginning to subside but vets are warning that the danger to pets and livestock remains. In areas where water has been contaminated by sewage, chemicals and other waste, farmers and pet owners will need to remain vigilant about potential health threats to their animals.

BVA President and vet Robin Hargreaves said:

“The terrible flooding has devastated many areas and it will be a huge relief for residents to see the waters subside. Unfortunately, the challenges for animal owners remain, as contaminated water continues to pose a threat to pets and livestock.

“Pet owners should try to keep their animals from drinking contaminated water, as effluent and bacteria can be very harmful. It is also worth checking with your vet that you are up-to-date with all vaccinations. This will give your pet the best possible protection against diseases, such as leptospirosis, which can be spread through stagnant water.

Animal owners in affected areas should speak to their vet if they have concerns and check with their environmental health team, who should be in a position to advise on local levels of contamination.

Read the full story here.