RCVS puts in place framework for accrediting international VN qualifications

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) can now accredit international veterinary nursing courses and qualifications, following a decision by the Veterinary Nursing Education Subcommittee.

At its March meeting the Subcommittee agreed a framework for accrediting awarding organisations and higher education institutions delivering veterinary nursing qualifications wholly or partially outside of the UK. The changes had already been approved in principle by VN Council members at a meeting in February 2015.

Julie Dugmore, Head of Veterinary Nursing at RCVS, commented: “Although international VN training providers can now apply for accreditation, it would be dependent on them meeting the same stringent criteria as their UK counterparts.

“For example, they would be subject to many visitations to monitor the standards of teaching and the curriculum; their students would need to have a requisite amount of time gaining first-hand clinical experience in training practices; and we would need to be satisfied that their graduates meet the set of skills and competences we expect from all newly-qualified veterinary nurses.”

At the same meeting the VN Education Subcommittee also clarified and formalised the registration rules for veterinary nurses who wish to join the UK Register but who qualified outside both the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA)

Veterinary nurses trained outside the UK will continue to have their qualifications assessed against UK standards. From now on, all non-EU/EEA trained veterinary nurses and some EU/EEA trained veterinary nurses will have to pass pre-registration theory and practical examinations.

Furthermore, all registrants trained outside the UK (including those from EU/EEA countries) will have to come to the RCVS to have their documentation checked and will have the main tenets of the Code of Professional Conduct for Veterinary Nurses explained to them. Registration will not be confirmed until staff members from the Veterinary Nursing Department are satisfied that the Code has been understood.