It has been noted that task NC02 for the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) OSCEs is on the RCVS website.
It been removed for some time, but is live on the RCVS (but not C&G) system.
For those RCVS students sitting their examination this weekend IT IS NOT BEING USED – the task states This OSCE will not be used in March 2014
For C&G students please note:- RCVS changes do not automatically relate to C&G changes.
There are three more tasks likely to go live soon, as four were proposed at BVNA last year. These are likely to have the same statement and only be live from Summer 2014 for RCVS students. The RCVS endeavours to give 3-4 months lead time on new tasks, consequently there can be overlaps with task releases and exam windows.
We will be teaching the new tasks to the appropriate groups for Summer OSCEs and beyond.