RCVS news: Veterinary nurses reminded to pay overdue fees

Veterinary nurses who wish to remain on the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) Register/List of Veterinary Nurses are reminded that their renewal fees need to be paid to the College by 31 December 2014.

Letters have been sent to 938 registered/listed veterinary nurses whose fees are outstanding, reminding them that the annual renewal fee of £61 needs to be paid – and cleared – by the end of this year.

The renewal fee can be paid online via the ‘My Account’ area (www.rcvs.org.uk/login), using the login details which were sent to all listed/registered veterinary nurses in September.

As well as paying the fee, all veterinary nurses will need to confirm their registration details and correspondence address while registered veterinary nurses will need to declare any convictions, cautions and/or adverse findings and confirm they have complied with the RCVS continuing professional development requirement of 45 hours over a three-year period.

Any veterinary nurses who have not received their login details, or who have misplaced them, should contact the RCVS Registration Department by telephone on 020 7202 0707.

For payments made by cheque, the name of the veterinary nurse and the ID number included in the annual renewal letter needs to be written on the back. Cheques need to be received by the RCVS before Friday 19 December and the payment to have cleared by 31 December.

Veterinary nurses in need of further guidance on paying their annual renewal fee should contact the RCVS Finance Department on finance@rcvs.org.uk or 020 7202 0723.