Nicole veterinary work experience

“It was very useful to get some hands-on experience with a species I’ve never worked with before.” Student veterinary nurse, Nicole, shares her experience working with sea turtles abroad

Meet Nicole, who is studying on our BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing Degree programme, delivered in conjunction with Middlesex University.

Nicole travelled to Sri Lanka for two weeks last summer to participate in a marine and wildlife conservation programme. The programme combined hands-on veterinary work with environmental restoration, including caring for sea turtles, restoring rainforests, and cleaning beaches and rivers.

Nicole said this experience not only expanded her academic and professional horizons, but also provided a chance to travel, make connections, and contribute to conservation efforts.

In this blog post, Nicole shares her experiences on the programme – from discovering the opportunity to navigating the application process, fundraising for her trip, and ultimately immersing herself in Sri Lanka’s vibrant culture and ecological efforts. Whether you’re a student looking for inspiration, or you’re interested in volunteering abroad, read on to find out more…

What did you do in Sri Lanka? 

I went to Sri Lanka for two weeks and volunteered to do marine and wildlife conversation. I worked mainly with sea turtles, and helped with rainforest restoration and beach and river clean up. 

How did you find out about the programme? 

I followed Middlesex Global on Instagram and signed up for their newsletter, which sent me information and updates on the different programmes and opportunities the university offers internally. I then came across the company called Travelteer, which Middlesex University is affiliated with, and signed up through them. 

What is the process of signing up?

I contacted Travelteer who then conducted an interview with me about the university I was at and the course I did. We then discussed the different programmes which would suit me best, as well as what time of year I wanted to travel and if I was travelling with other people.

It was a quick registration with a sign-up fee. Then I got access to a volunteer portal with all the information and next steps. I was sent a welcome pack and instructions on how to set up a donations page. There was a minimum requirement of £75 per week to raise through a Just Giving account; any additional funds you raise goes towards your flights. You can do whatever you want to fundraise, privately or publicly, such as bake sales. 

I then got the dates approved, flights booked, visas and insurance sorted in the months leading up to my departure. It was a relatively simple process, and they ran pre-departure meetings on a regular basis to provide the information you needed beforehand. They were really easy to contact as well. 

Did you get any help with funding? 

I applied for the MDX Global Opportunities Scholarship 2024 through Santander Open Academy. I submitted my travel plans and dates, linked the company affiliated with the university, and wrote a statement about why I wanted to do this experience, what it would mean to me, and how it related to my course. A few months later, I received notice that I had been awarded a scholarship of £1000 towards my travel. 

Other bursaries and scholarships are available depending on the country and programme you are doing.

Do you need any experience to undertake the programme?

No. You can go out and do this programme having never had any previous experience with sea turtles. 

Does the programme you want to do have to be related to your degree?

Not necessarily. Some of the other programmes offer many transferrable skills and experiences. 

What are the benefits of volunteering with animals abroad?

This opportunity allowed me to expand my knowledge and experience. It was very useful to get some hands-on experience with a species I’ve never worked with before, as well as some work experience under my belt for the future. I found it to be a great way to gain some valuable life experience and a great way to ease into solo travelling.

This experience allowed me to meet many different kinds of people and make friends from all over the country and world from different universities and courses. It also allowed me to indulge in a whole different world of Sri Lankan culture and heritage, especially with the food. 

It was an invaluable experience. I would recommend it to anyone looking to get some experience with exotic or wildlife species, or even just to get into travelling and volunteering around the world. We did so much more than just volunteering. You get a decent opportunity to explore and travel the country and nearby cities. For example, I went up to the mountains on my weekend off and went for surf lessons on my other. 

Interested in studying veterinary nursing at degree level? Find out more about the BSc Hons Veterinary Nursing (Middlesex University).