Excel in the horse care industry with an equine apprenticeship

Whether you’re looking to begin an exciting career in horse care, or have been working in the equine industry for some time, our equine apprenticeships can help you reach your career goals: 

Suitable for those who are new to the equine industry. Undertaking this apprenticeship will allow you to earn whilst you learn, developing your practical skills and knowledge.

Ideal if you’re working in the equine industry in a position of responsibility, such as head groom, and are looking for a more advanced level of study to reflect your experience and knowledge.

Quick Facts

  • 12-24 months depending on level
  • Start at any time
  • Available in England
  • No college attendance
  • Work-based learning assessor support
  • Suitable employment in an equine environment required
  • Tailor the programmes to your specific job role and interests by choosing a pathway: Breeding, Driving, Racing, Riding, Non-riding

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Content and Entry Requirements

Our equine apprenticeships are suitable for those living and working in England in a suitable equine environment (such as a riding school, racing yard or horse charity), earning at least the National Minimum Wage for Apprentices. During the programmes you will gain industry recognised skills and knowledge such as:

  • Safe Working Practices
  • Yard and Field Routines and Duties
  • Horse Anatomy, Physiology and Welfare
  • Horse Handling, Care and Appearance
  • Saddlery and Equipment
  • Travelling Horses
  • Non-Ridden Exercise