Guidance on Keeping our Online Etiquette in Line

With more of our students accessing the theory element of the learning virtually and others still working from home, we thought it would be helpful to put together some Netiquette Guidance. The purpose of this document is to give some direction with regards to online expectations and best practice for our digital interactions. You can view the guidance here

Online communication is as important as real life interactions, though some of us may feel we have a level of anonymity online, this is not the case –it still counts towards people’s perception of you. Sometimes we need to recalibrate our attitude towards social interactions, now is the perfect time to invest in your cyber social skills. If you can exercise good online behaviour it can help you become better understood and create a positive reputation that can lead you to more lasting and meaningful connections.

You will also find information and guidance on how to stay safe online, along with resources available for all students and signposting points to aid online safety.

We hope you find this document useful and wish you all the best with your virtual exchanges!