How we've COVID-19 futureproofed our veterinary nurse training fb

4 Ways We’ve Future-Proofed our Veterinary Nurse Training against COVID-19

If you’re considering studying veterinary nursing with us, you may be worried about how the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic may impact your training.

We’re very are proud of the steps and efforts we’ve made as a college to protect future careers and give learners the ability to continue to achieve their goals during the pandemic, and we’re confident we can rise to any challenge that comes our way.

Since March 2020 and the initial lockdown, our programme team has continued to ensure that students are able to progress with their programme of study. We successfully replaced our face to face classroom lectures with live streamed sessions and online support, allowing students to engage with their lecturers and tutors in real time either from home or from work.

To provide some reassurance to those interested in studying our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing, we have outlined some of the ways we’ve futureproofed our course delivery against COVID-19. Read on to find out more: 

  1. We’ve invested in new, forward thinking technologies to take our virtual delivery to the next level

At The College of Animal Welfare, we’re no stranger to delivering training and education virtually. Even before the pandemic, we invested a considerable amount of time and money into developing online courses that are fit for purpose and allow learners who may not be able to attend College to still access quality training and education in the comfort of their own home or workplace.

In response to the pandemic, we took our online learning to the next level by investing in a new virtual delivery platform, to ensure students were able to progress with the theory elements of our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing.

Virtual classroom software

Our new online conferencing system allows our tutors to deliver effective teaching sessions and share engaging audio, video, slides, chat, and screens. The software also offers lots of interactive features which means our students can engage with their tutors and peers in real-time, for example through sharing of emoji icons, polling, and breakout rooms.

We have chosen this new delivery software to ensure our learner experience is as close to classroom delivery as possible, whilst offering all the additional benefits of online learning. Since launching our new virtual classroom in the Summer of 2020, we’ve had lots of great feedback from our students:

“Love the software, please continue to use this programme. Great to interact.”

“I found the entire morning in the new virtual classroom so engaging and enjoyable, I felt I really understood the topic.”

“The setup was far more interactive, fun and communal.”

“I enjoyed the lesson using the new software, it was very interactive and being able to speak and communicate with the group was just as good as being in the classroom.”

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Throughout the pandemic we have continued to develop our advanced Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), which includes document repository, online exams and assignment submissions capability, VLE and IT helpdesk support, bespoke interactive learning materials developed in-house, lesson capture, virtual classroom delivery, forums and many more exciting features to enhance our students’ learning experience.

What does virtual learning on our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing look like?

The theory element of our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing will continue to be delivered via our interactive, live, virtual classroom platform for the time being, with additional access to our well-resourced Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Staff will continue to provide remote academic support (for example, learner reviews) in line with set timetables via online communication tools. This enables us to maintain our intention is to keep the number of students in the college to a minimum.

Take a look at the video below to gain a better insight into how our virtual delivery looks:

  1.  Rules are in place to ensure students coming into centre for practical skills training and assessments are safe

As a result of being able to deliver the theory elements of our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing virtually, we have been able to offer students, where required, the opportunity to attend college for crucial practical skills sessions and exams in a safe environment.

The College is committed to continuing to provide a safe environment for students, while still maintaining a quality education to ensure students can achieve their goals. All students and visitors to centre are temperature tested and required to have proof of a negative COVID-19 test within 48 hours of entry to the college centres. 

Take a look at some of the additional measures we have in place to keep our community safe in centre:

  1. We’ve invested in new ways to empower our community to look after their mental and physical wellbeing

At CAW, we put the mental and physical wellbeing of our students and staff first. We want to empower our community to look after their health and wellbeing, and give them the resources they need to gain help if they need it.

In response to the pandemic, we introduced a range of additional wellbeing initiatives. We invested in new projects to provide extra support to our students during COVID-19. In addition to free counselling for all students we also now provide:   

  • A CAW Buddy Scheme – We introduced a Buddy Scheme to help students settle into college life, which can feel a little daunting particularly during the pandemic.
  • Fika – We invested in the mental fitness app, Fika. All our students can use Fika to access guided mental skills development courses with proven benefits to mental wellbeing.
  • Togetherall – All our staff and students can access online mental health and wellbeing support through Together All(formerly Big White Wall). This service can be used at any time of the day or night, all year round.
  • Living Well – we continued to develop the “Living Well” section of our VLE. “Living Well” is a collation of useful and up-to-date guidance about physical and mental wellbeing. This includes resources for eating well, getting active, COVID-19 health and safety and sexual health.
  • COVID-19 wellbeing articles and resources – we published a range of mental health and wellbeing articles and resources, which we shared to students via our new wellbeing e-newsletter

To read more about mental health and wellbeing support available to students at The College of Animal Welfare, visit:

  1. We’re continuing to do what we do best – provide quality education and training

Even though our community are working and studying remotely, we feel the coronavirus crisis has brought us closer together. We’re very proud of the steps and efforts we’ve made as a college to protect future careers and give learners the ability to continue to achieve their goals during this time. We’d like to thank everyone at the college who have risen to the challenge and embraced the need to adapt.

More than this, we’d like to remind our community that if you have any problems or concerns, please get in touch with us as. We’re more than happy to help. It’s really important we check in on our co-workers, friends and loved ones, so please reach out to someone you’ve been meaning to today. Helping and caring for each other is how we get through crisis.  

For the latest information on our response to COVID-19 please visit our website: Alternatively, if you have any questions about our delivery please don’t hesitate to get in touch at or 01480 422060.

Find out more about our Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing