Employers can now get paid £1500 for each new apprentice they employ!

If you are an employer and are thinking about taking on an apprentice, the time has never been better!

The College of Animal Welfare is currently supporting a government initiative to help employers* in England recruit new apprentices. Any employer (who has not employed an apprentice since April 2009) will be paid £1500 for any new apprentice, aged 16 – 24 years, they employ. This offer is limited to 3 new apprentices per employer.

If you are looking to take on an apprentice in customer service, animal care or horse care then we can help you by advertising your vacancy, free of charge, on your behalf. You must pay the apprentice at least the national minimum wage for apprentices (i.e. £2.60 per hour if under 19, or £2.60 per hour for 19 to 24 year olds in their first year of training and then the standard national minimum wage thereafter) and employ them for a minimum of 30 hours per week. If this sounds interesting, please contact us!

* The employer must have less than 250 employees