Three Ways to Maintain Your Focus

Laura Kemp

Remember why you chose your career path

Keep motivated to progress forward by remembering the very reasons why you chose your current job role. Was it because of the financial rewards that were possible, or perhaps the potential career prospects?

Often it is far too easy to get tied down with the small day-to-day tasks. It’s important to just take a moment to remind yourself about why you do what you do.

Perhaps try to have some kind of visual reminder. If you are saving for that dream house or holiday – why not have a picture pinned by your desk to remind you on those down days that it is all worthwhile!

Ignore any surrounding distractions

Don’t let yourself get side tracked with unnecessary conversations, emails or social media ramblings. All these items can wait until you are ready and have a suitable opportunity to tackle them.

Do you have that colleague who keeps hovering at your desk asking questions? Try scheduling a time to discuss their queries, do not let others disrupt you unless absolutely unavoidable.

It is important not to be afraid to let things wait until you are ready, I do not mean procrastinate, but you need to consider if it is really imperative that you read that email right now just because it has popped up on the right hand corner of your screen? That interesting article you want to read – try book-marking it and rewarding yourself with a short break by reading it later in the day.

Although you want to achieve as much as possible in your day, don’t forget that taking a break is important too – learn how long you can work for until you need to break, by doing this it can allow you to refresh, regroup your thoughts and lead to being more focused going forward.

Plan your day by setting small step-by-step activities. If you need to, try either ranking these by priority or setting yourself a target to reach by lunch. By having smaller steps these will seem more achievable and allow you to see at a glance what you need to do.

Avoid negativity

Don’t let anyone else’s behaviour or negative attitude rub off on you. That includes the colleague you speak to at the coffee machine, your close friend and confidant sitting at the desk next to you and even your boss.

Whilst of course it is important to listen to constructive criticism, don’t confuse that with those who are dragging you down. Just because someone else is having a bad day, it doesn’t mean that you have to have one too. If you are being negative its far more likely that you will not achieve what you set out to do.


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