Blog Category: Training Practices
A warm welcome to all our TPs! For more specific information visit our 'Employers' page or contacts us.
Total posts in category: 515
A warm welcome to all our TPs! For more specific information visit our 'Employers' page or contacts us.
Total posts in category: 515
We are pleased confirm that we will be running monthly ePortfolio support sessions, for CAW clinical supervisors who are supporting VetSkill students! These sessions will be delivered via our new virtual learning platform, and will take place on: Wednesday 14th October at 2pm Thursday 12th November at 9.30am Wednesday 16th December at 2pm Thursday 14th […]
We recently made the decision to change the planned amount of placement weeks that students on VN Diploma programmes are required to complete, limiting this to a maximum of 52 weeks over the duration of the training programme. During which the student must complete their practice based skills training to the required standard (i.e. meet […]
If you’re a clinical coach or mentor in your veterinary practice, you’ll know the responsibility for supporting junior team members goes way beyond helping them learn the technical knowledge needed to do their job, or achieve a qualification. It’s also about creating well-rounded, dedicated staff who understand the unwritten rules and responsibilities of the profession. To […]
When you find yourself promoted to the role of team leader, head nurse or manager, you may find many aspects of your new role challenging. Leading a team of people and managing scarce resources are two of the biggest challenges that exist in the veterinary and animal care profession. It is essential that your team […]
In anticipation of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month this May, we’ve created a range of FREE resources to help veterinary practices promote the veterinary nursing profession. All the resources available can be shared online or used as part of virtual activities throughout May. Resources available include posters, social media images, infographics, careers booklets and much more. […]
Dear Practice Principal A number of student veterinary nurses who are in training and are on placement or are employed as Apprentices have been in touch seeking guidance on continuing to work in practice. Students who are on placement may themselves suspend their placement at any time as could the practice. However, The College of […]
Following on from the updated Government advice City & Guilds are taking the step to postpone the OSCEs for the weekends of 20-22 March and 27-29 March to a later date. The decision was made in consideration of the health and safety of examiners as well as candidates. Please note: City & Guilds will continue […]
Please note our Clinical Supervisor training is now available. Our clinical supervisor training sessions are offered to those who meet the below criteria and can be undertaken in the form of an attended day course at one of our centres or an online training course; both of which are offered free of charge. In order […]
Following City & Guilds’ decision to withdraw veterinary nursing from its portfolio of qualifications*, we have issued a statement and answered a number of questions you may have about what this means for veterinary nurse training: Does this decision by City and Guilds (C&G) mean that training for Veterinary Nursing will be stopped? No, it […]
Following City and Guilds (C&G) announcement of their intention to no longer offer their Level 3 Veterinary Nursing qualification The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) would like to provide reassurance to employers and students. From the 1st January 2020 we made the decision to move to the VetSkill Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing for […]