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Blog Category: Training Practices

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Total posts in category: 515

A silver star shaped pin badge created by VetSkill on a blue nurse's scrub top

VetSkill announces the ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ award in celebration of learner success

VetSkill recently shared news of their ‘VetSkill OSCE Star’ award, created in recognition of learners who have achieved a Pass grade in all 12 OSCE tasks for the VetSkill VTEC Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Companion Animal / Equine) and VetSkill Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Companion Animal / Equine).   What are OSCEs?  […]


Looking to expand your veterinary nursing team? Grow your own veterinary nurse with The College of Animal Welfare

If you’re looking to expand your veterinary nursing team in an affordable way, have you considered taking on a student veterinary nurse? There are student veterinary nurses looking for apprenticeship vacancies and unpaid work placements in practices across the UK. By supporting an SVN, you can gain an extra pair of hands at your practice […]


matrix Logo

CAW Celebrates matrix Re-accreditation!

We are thrilled to announce that The College of Animal Welfare has successfully achieved matrix re-accreditation following a comprehensive inspection carried out between the 15-18 April 2024. This achievement underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional information, advice and guidance (IAG) to our students, employers and those looking to study with us. The matrix Standard is […]


The College of Animal Welfare Celebrates Matrix Re-accreditation!

We are thrilled to announce that The College of Animal Welfare has successfully achieved matrix re-accreditation following a comprehensive inspection carried out between the 15-18 April 2024. This achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional information, advice and guidance (IAG) to our students, employers and those looking to study with us. The Matrix Standard […]


Student testing out a virtual reality headset

CAW launches FREE Veterinary Nursing OSCEs in Virtual Reality!

The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) is excited to announce that all CAW veterinary nursing students have now been granted a free licence to download its new virtual reality (VR) software onto a VR headset to help with their OSCE preparation. This initiative is part of its ongoing commitment to provide innovative and forward-thinking ways […]


Remote invigilation – Guidance for CAW students undertaking VetSkill exams

If you are undertaking a VetSkill examination as part of your course, you may be offered the opportunity to undertake it remotely using Proctorio™, a remote examination invigilation system used by VetSkill.


Introducing our new Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the newly enhanced VLE, cawpers.com. This latest update is not just an upgrade; it’s a complete overhaul aimed at providing an unparalleled learning experience.


TP Times is Back!

We are delighted to announce the re-launch of our training magazine, TP (Training Practice) Times. It has been almost 13 years since TP Times has been produced but the need for information and news related to training of both veterinary nurses and support staff is greater than ever. The bi-monthly magazine will be a digital […]


2023 SCAS Conference

2023 SCAS Virtual Congress, Sunday 17 September – Are Pets Really Good For Us? The role of pets in mental and physical health

The annual Society of Companion Animal Studies (SCAS) virtual congress is taking place on Sunday 17 September 2023. This year’s SCAS Conference, ‘Are pets really good for us? The role of pets in mental and physical health‘, sponsored by VetSkill, will focus on the evidence-based research demonstrating how human-animal interactions support our physical and mental health.  2023 […]


VN Futures DIWP working group launches menopause toolkit

As part of the VN Futures Diversity, Inclusivity and Widening Participation (DIWP) working group, The British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) have launched a free-to-access menopause toolkit, providing signposting to support and resources for veterinary nurses.  Providing a range of resources, including discussion panels, blog articles, podcasts and signposting to supportive organisations, this toolkit contains information […]
