Keeping Safe in College

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Student ID
  3. E-Safety
  4. Health and Safety
  5. The Prevent Duty
  6. CCTV
  7. Lost Property
  8. Accidents and Injuries
  9. First Aid
  10. Smoking
  11. Emergency Closure

Safeguarding – Information for Students

The College of Animal Welfare believes that all our staff and students have the right to live and work in an environment which is free from abuse, bullying (including cyber bullying) and harassment. Safety is fundamental to our community and we take responsibility to foster a safe and respectful environment, with standards of behaviour that we expect all to observe. The disciplinary process aims to enforce these standards and there is also a complaints procedure if students are not happy with any aspect of their course. The College’s Principal, is the named member of the Senior Management Team with ultimate responsibility for safeguarding issues. The College has a Safeguarding Policy which applies to all staff, College advisory members, and volunteers working in the College. The College of Animal Welfare will safeguard (look after) its students. This means that staff will make sure that students feel safe and supported whilst at College. All staff are responsible for safeguarding in the College, regardless of role or level of contact with students, and staff are trained to take preventative and practical actions to keep everyone safe. Each student is supported by a tutor who will help them with coursework and general wellbeing.

What does Safeguarding mean in practice?

  • Protecting students from physical, sexual, neglect or emotional harm
  • Preventing damage to their health and development
  • Making sure there is safe and effective care
  • Supporting students to be safe online

Safeguarding our students is of vital importance to us. If you have any concern about your wellbeing, safety or rights, then you should in the first instance:

We will deal with your concern sensitively, promptly and effectively to ensure your safety and well-being. We have specialist staff to work with you and support you in these instances. You are given information about safeguarding in college and information about how to make positive choices so that you can keep safe.

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Student ID card

After you have enrolled you will be issued with a student ID card, and you will use this to gain access to the College as well as borrow books, netbooks, etc. from the library.  You must carry this with you at all times whilst at College. If you are asked to show your card to any member of staff you should do so. This displays your student reference number and has the absence reporting telephone number on the reverse. If you lose your student ID card you may be charged £3 for a replacement. If you forget your student ID card you may be charged £1 for a temporary day visitor pass. The money collected through this system is paid into one of the College student charities. Staff will also wear a staff ID badge and visitors wear a visitor badge. Anyone not able to show their ID card will be asked to explain who they are and why they are in College and taken to reception. In this way we can ensure that the College is a safe environment for you to study in.

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The college takes the safety of students online very seriously.  There are many potential dangers involved with accessing information online and communicating with others virtually.  As part of your extended induction programme, your personal tutor will explore with you the potential dangers, how you can avoid them and deal with them if they arise.  We will help you to develop the skills to deal with the risks independently. You will also explore cyber-bullying and you will look at how to be a good ‘digital citizen’. The College has an Online Safety Policy which explains how we maintain your safety. Any misuse of electronic media via college resources or students own devices will be dealt with very seriously and may involve using the College’s Student Behaviour Policy and the Student Social Media Policy to address the issues. Cyber-bullying in any form is not tolerated at the College, and students are encouraged to think very carefully about anything they communicate to others via social networking, text or email.  Students should seek support from their Personal Tutor or a member of the Customer Advice Team (CAT) if they are unsure or have any concerns.

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety is an intrinsic part of all our courses and regular risk assessments are carried out on employers’ premises where students undertake work placement. Trips and other practical activities are carefully planned so that any risks are properly identified and students’ safety ensured. The College has several policies and guidance in place, such as our Bullying and Harassment Policy and our Child Protection Policy. Staff and students are trained in procedures to adopt should they have a concern which they feel they need advice about and our trained safeguarding team will advise on steps that will be taken with our students’ safety at the heart of any action. The College will listen closely to feedback from our student reps and staff to make sure that any concerns that are being reported are acted on.  The College is here to facilitate opportunities for our students to grow through challenging academic and vocational learning, work placements, trips, visits, enrichment activities and celebrations – and we want everyone to feel that they can participate in all of the activities that the College has to offer whilst being free from harm. During induction, students will be given details of what to do if they need to report abuse – this will include being given names and contact details of our trained and experienced Safeguarding Officers. We have a dedicated email address and our Safeguarding Lead, Barbara Cooper can be contacted on 07803 903047. Throughout the year, during tutorials and student reviews, you will be engaged in projects to promote Safeguarding at the College. We want you to be involved, not only to feel safe yourselves, but to pass that message on to any of your friends who are reluctant to talk to us about their concerns.

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The Prevent Duty

‘Prevent’ is part of a Government strategy which aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism.  From 1 July 2015, Colleges have a statutory duty under the ‘Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015’ to have ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’.  Preventing terrorism also means challenging extremist views and intervening to stop people moving from extremist ideas into terrorism. The College plays an important part in allowing young people a safe space to explore their concerns and ideas, and to challenge prejudicial, discriminatory or extremist views.  The College will also ensure that they are promoting fundamental British values within their ethos and curriculum. Students being drawn into extremism is a safeguarding issue which can also be a ‘child protection’ issue.  This matter is therefore specifically referenced within the College’s main Child Protection Policy. The duties of the College and when the designated safeguarding lead will refer to the police Prevent team are clearly communicated in the policy.  This may also lead to a referral to the multi-agency Channel meeting convened by the local authority. (Channel is a key element of the Prevent Strategy. It is a multi-agency approach to protect people at risk of radicalisation. Find out more about Channel here.)

Students and staff can take our Prevent course here.

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The College takes very seriously the safety and security of its students and staff. CCTV is therefore used at various points around the College.

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Lost Property / Theft

Please only bring valuable property onto College site such as iPods, cameras, expensive phones or large amounts of money when you really need to. If you do bring money or valuables into College please keep them with you at all times. Whilst the College aims to provide a safe and secure environment thefts and losses could occur. If you cycle to College we recommend that you use the cycle storage area where there is CCTV monitoring. You should have insurance in case of theft. The College cannot be held liable for lost or stolen items. If you find an item that may be someone’s lost property please hand it in to reception. Likewise if you lose an item please check with reception in case it has been handed in there.

Personal property insurance for any expensive items could cover; theft, loss and damage. You can find statistics and compare insurance here.

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Accidents and Injuries

You should report all injuries and accidents to a member of staff as soon as possible. If you are not in your classroom or workshop, report all accidents to the nearest member of staff, or reception. Any accident will be recorded and reported to a qualified First Aider.

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First Aid

There are First Aiders available for emergencies, please notify a member of staff if first aid is needed so that contact can be made with a first aider.

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The College seeks to keep its students and staff safe from the effects of inhaling cigarette smoke. Therefore the College operates a no smoking policy in all of its buildings and also outside around the buildings with the exception of designated areas which are identified by a ‘smoking shelter’ or area.

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Emergency Closure

The College is only very rarely closed by bad weather. If you are in any doubt and you have some distance to travel, look at the College blog, our Facebook or Twitter pages, check your mobile phone for College announcements, or telephone the College campuses between 8:00am- 4:.30pm.

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