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Employers: Why invest in apprenticeship training?

Take a look at the apprenticeships we offer

Why hire an apprentice?

Are you looking for enthusiastic and talented people that you can shape and develop to help drive your business forward? If so, hiring an apprentice may be the solution! in the 2022/23 academic year, there were 752,150 people undertaking an apprenticeship in England (House of Commons Library) suggesting that businesses are increasingly recognising their effectiveness at increasing productivity, improving performance and building a committed and skilled workforce.

Train existing staff!

Apprenticeships are not just for people new to a job! They can be undertaken by existing members of staff to upskill or retrain; providing an effective way to nurture and develop employees with the skills and knowledge to help your business grow and stand out from the competition.

Grant Eligibility

Did you know that certain areas may have additional funding grants available? If you are a business with under 249 employees and take on an apprentice aged under 24 you could be eligible to receive the AGE (apprenticeship grant for employers) offer. For further information and to check if you might be eligible please do give our dedicated Funding Team a call on 01480 422060.

In May 2017 the way that apprenticeships are funded changed!

Since 2017, the government have been pushing through major reforms to encourage employers to invest more and more in apprenticeships. The reforms have impacted on all businesses involved in apprenticeship training, regardless of their size.

Some key facts:

  1. Apprentices must have a contract of employment, be over 16 years of age (or 15 if their 16th birthday is between the last Friday in June and 31 August), and be earning at least the National Minimum Wage for Apprentices – currently £6.40 for those aged 16-18 and those over 19 years of age in the first year of their apprenticeship (April 2024)
  2. Apprentices no longer have to be working for a minimum of 30 hours per week!
  3. Any employer taking on a new apprentice under 19 years of age will receive a £1,000 incentive!
  4. Recruit for free! The College can help you to recruit a new apprentice free of charge.
  5. Apprenticeship fees may be free for those under 21 years of age, working in a non-levy paying organisation with less than 50 employees.

The Education and Skills Funding Agency have stated all apprentices are required to complete at least six hours a week of their paid, contracted, working hours on off-the-job training. We’ve put together this handy guide to help you understand this requirement.

Download Off-the-Job Training Guidance for Apprentices

The Apprenticeship Levy

The way that apprenticeships in England are funded by the government falls mainly into the two categories below:

Employer with more than a £3 million annual pay bill
(Levy Payers)

Employer with less than a £3 million annual pay bill
(Non Levy Payers)

Why choose The College of Animal Welfare as a training provider?

To deliver apprenticeship training, training providers must be on the Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register (APAR). All providers on the APAR have been through a thorough application process with the Education and Skills Funding Agency that assessed their capability to deliver high-quality apprenticeship training. We are delighted that The College of Animal Welfare was successful.

Over the years we have gained a well-earned reputation for excellence; delivering quality training and education and employer support. We are dedicated to providing your apprentice with superior training based on the needs of your business. Your apprentice will benefit from:

  • Support and guidance from qualified tutors or assessors with strong industry experience
  • Diverse teaching, learning and assessment approaches catering for individual needs
  • Access to our unique Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and extensive eLibrary resources

Take a look at the apprenticeships we offer

National Minimum Wage for Apprentices

The current national minimum wage for an apprentice aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year of their apprenticeship is £6.40 per hour (April 2024), although many employers prefer to pay more. All other apprentices are entitled to the national minimum wage for their age. Employers are no longer be required to pay employer National Insurance contributions for apprentices under the age of 25 on earnings up to the upper earnings limit.

I’m interested in apprenticeship training, how do I find out more?

Recruiting a new apprentice

If you are looking to take on a new apprentice, please contact our funding team who will advise you on the process of advertising your vacancy and assist you to recruit your apprentice. As part of the recruitment process, we can filter applications for you and even arrange your interviews if you wish!

Training existing staff

If you are looking to train existing members of staff, your employee will need to select the apprenticeship they are interested in and apply online.

If you would like to speak to anyone regarding apprenticeship training, please contact us – we will be happy to talk you through your options.