Interesting Facts and Figures…

Age: There are 10.3 million people aged over 65 in the UK today – this will rise to 12.5 million by 2020.

Disability: There are over 11 million people with a limiting long-term illness, impairment or disability in the UK. The prevalence of disability rises with age. Around 6 per cent of children are disabled, compared to 15 per cent of working age adults and 45 per cent of adults over State Pension age in the UK. People with severe mental illness die, on average, 20 years younger than the general population, often from preventable physical illnesses.

Religion or belief: Research suggests that poor knowledge and skills of staff in providing health services to people with non-Christian religions or beliefs can have an adverse effect on the patient experience.

Gender reassignment: Transgender medical students report that they are more likely to experience discrimination and harassment from patients and colleagues.

Sexual orientation: A third of gay and bisexual men who have access to healthcare services have had a negative experience related to their sexual orientation, according to Stonewall.

Socio-economic factors: There is a significant difference in rates of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes for the five biggest killers (cancer, stroke, heart disease, lung and liver disease) depending upon where you live

Gender:  Over 90% of the student population at The College of Animal Welfare are female

Ethnicity: 92% of the student veterinary nurse population are “White British”. Those in other ethnic groups account for 7%

 Source: NHS 2014 and The College of Animal Welfare