Roll-On Roll-Off – Frequently Asked Questions

What is Roll-on, Roll-off (RORO)?

The RORO study programme has been put in place for those students who are already employed in an approved training practice and ready to start studying the Level 3 Diploma in Veterinary Nursing (Companion Animal).

You can enrol at any time and, once enrolled with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) and the Awarding Body (VetSkill), can start pre-course learning and induction activities (VN Kickstart) and logging your practice hours before your classroom (virtual or in centre) lessons begin.

What does the VN Kickstart student area consist of?

The VN Kickstart student area focusses on initial learning and induction activities including course induction, preparing for study activities, Nursing Progress Log (NPL) guidance, health & safety, introduction to anatomy and physiology, and policies and responsibilities i.e. Code of Conduct, Fitness to Practise.

Once I’m enrolled with the RCVS and the Awarding Body, can I start completing practical skills activities linked to the Nursing Progress Log (NPL)?

Yes, this is one of the benefits of the RORO programme. It allows you to become accustomed to using the NPL and to potentially start claiming competency towards certain skills before starting the taught programme.

How will the taught element of the RORO programme work?

The theoretical programme is provided as day release with each unit delivered on a rolling basis. Progression from one unit to the next will be determined as and when specific achievement and progression targets are met. If you do not meet the specified targets then you will not progress onto the next unit, however this will provide opportunities for you to complete a programme re-study or focus on revision/further research in support of completion. Additionally, it will allow for focused completion of the NPL before then progressing onto the next steps. As a general rule, each unit block will be delivered on a quarterly basis.

Will there be any breaks between units?

Yes, there will be approximately three weeks of study breaks between each unit. This will allow you to continue focusing on NPL skills development and some initial preparation for the next unit alongside the opportunity to take a break.

Will there be the opportunity to complete practical skills development within centres?

Yes, practical skills development blocks will be available for you to access at the appropriate time to support your practical skills development with particular focus on preparation for the OSCEs. There will also be some sessions included within some of the units (included within scheme of work) and again, the focus will be on specific OSCE tasks.

What are the requirements for progression from one unit to the next?

You will be required to meet certain benchmarks (i.e. pass unit examinations) in order to progress from one unit to the next. These will be defined and explained within the student academic advising sessions during the first few weeks of teaching delivery.

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School of Veterinary Studies