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Navigating Support and Responsibilities for Employers with Apprentices

By Megan Pledger, Business Development Executive

A common question from employers considering apprenticeships is about the support they can expect and their responsibilities in this journey. This blog aims to clarify these aspects, ensuring a smooth and beneficial apprenticeship experience for both employers and apprentices.

Employer Responsibilities in Apprenticeships: The key responsibilities of an employer in an apprenticeship programme include:

  1. Providing a Safe and Conducive Working Environment: Ensuring a safe and supportive work environment is crucial for the apprentice’s development and wellbeing.
  2. Offering Adequate Supervision and Mentorship: Assigning a mentor or supervisor to guide the apprentice, answer their queries, and monitor their progress is vital.
  3. Ensuring Work Aligned with Training: The work provided should complement the apprentice’s learning and contribute to their skill development.
  4. Respecting Apprenticeship Agreements: Adhering to the terms of the apprenticeship agreement, including working hours, pay, and training commitments, is legally binding.

Support from CAW: At The College of Animal Welfare, we understand that supporting employers is key to a successful apprenticeship. Our support includes:

  1. Tailored Training Plans: We offer customised training plans for apprenticeships, ensuring they align with your business needs.
  2. Ongoing Guidance and Assistance: Our team provides continuous support throughout the apprenticeship, from the initial setup to completion.
  3. Assessment and Review Assistance: We help prepare for and conduct assessments, ensuring they align with the apprenticeship standards.

Benefits of Taking on an Apprentice: Employers enjoy numerous benefits from apprenticeships, such as:

  1. Filling Skills Gaps: Apprentices can be trained in specific areas where your business needs more expertise.
  2. Fresh Perspectives: Young apprentices often bring innovative ideas and new ways of thinking.
  3. Developing Loyal Employees: Many apprentices remain with the company post-training, reducing recruitment costs.

Conclusion: While taking on an apprentice involves responsibilities, the support from CAW and the myriad of benefits makes it a worthy investment. Employers play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of professionals, and with CAW’s guidance, this journey can be both rewarding and impactful.

Get in Touch: If you’re considering an apprenticeship programme and need more information or support, please contact us. We’re here to assist every step of the way.

You can get in touch via email at or by phone at 01480 422060