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5 ways you can break the barriers to coaching

5 Ways you can Break the Barriers to Coaching

Coaching isn’t always easy, but the rewarding nature of the profession makes it all worthwhile. There are several different factors that can act as barriers within the role, but there’s always steps you can take to break them down.

Factors that commonly affect coaching

  • Not having enough time
  • Finding the right techniques to suit both you and your student/employee
  • Feeling like you aren’t making as much of a difference as you would like to
  • Keeping those you’re coaching engaged

Ways you can overcome these

Support doesn’t just have to be given face-to-face

As a coach, you may often find that fitting everyone in can be challenging. However, you can give support via telephone, email and even FaceTime or Skype; it doesn’t always have to involve a face-to-face meeting. Try to stick to your schedule and make sure you’ve allocated enough time to focus on each person. Making it known that you’re rushed for time could make them feel like they don’t have your full attention.

Establish a trusting relationship

Depending on who you’re coaching, it can be difficult to keep them engaged and focused at times. Ensuring that they can trust you is key; make sure you’re listening to them without judgement. Once you break down that barrier, you’ll often find that communication is improved.

Remember why you chose the job

Coaching is all about helping people and guiding them in the right direction. Sometimes it may not be easy but think back to what pushed you towards the profession in the first place.

Adapt your methods to fit the person and situation

If a technique isn’t working, rethink it and see how you can adapt it to better suit the individual. Coaching isn’t ‘one-method-fits-all’, there’s no benefit in sticking with a method if you’re not getting the results you want. Consider alternative ways of working and communicating that will benefit you both.

Remember, you won’t see results straight away

Coaching takes time and is all part of a journey, so don’t be disheartened if you aren’t seeing results immediately. Map out the bigger picture and set goals along the way. Having something to work towards and knowing why they’re working so hard can help encourage those you’re coaching to reach those targets.


Click here to find out more about The College of Animal Welfare’s Coaching and Mentoring courses.

5 ways you can break the barriers to coaching

5 Ways you can Break the Barriers to Coaching

Coaching isn’t always easy, but the rewarding nature of the profession makes it all worthwhile. There are several different factors that can act as barriers within the role, but there’s always steps you can take to break them down.

Factors that commonly affect coaching

  • Not having enough time
  • Finding the right techniques to suit both you and your student/employee
  • Feeling like you aren’t making as much of a difference as you would like to
  • Keeping those you’re coaching engaged

Ways you can overcome these

Support doesn’t just have to be given face-to-face

As a coach, you may often find that fitting everyone in can be challenging. However, you can give support via telephone, email and even FaceTime or Skype; it doesn’t always have to involve a face-to-face meeting. Try to stick to your schedule and make sure you’ve allocated enough time to focus on each person. Making it known that you’re rushed for time could make them feel like they don’t have your full attention.

Establish a trusting relationship

Depending on who you’re coaching, it can be difficult to keep them engaged and focused at times. Ensuring that they can trust you is key; make sure you’re listening to them without judgement. Once you break down that barrier, you’ll often find that communication is improved.

Remember why you chose the job

Coaching is all about helping people and guiding them in the right direction. Sometimes it may not be easy but think back to what pushed you towards the profession in the first place.

Adapt your methods to fit the person and situation

If a technique isn’t working, rethink it and see how you can adapt it to better suit the individual. Coaching isn’t ‘one-method-fits-all’, there’s no benefit in sticking with a method if you’re not getting the results you want. Consider alternative ways of working and communicating that will benefit you both.

Remember, you won’t see results straight away

Coaching takes time and is all part of a journey, so don’t be disheartened if you aren’t seeing results immediately. Map out the bigger picture and set goals along the way. Having something to work towards and knowing why they’re working so hard can help encourage those you’re coaching to reach those targets.


Click here to find out more about The College of Animal Welfare’s Coaching and Mentoring courses.