Autumn pet safety tips

Autumn Pet safety tips: What to watch out for…

Autumn Pet safety tips: What to watch out for…

As summer comes to a close and the weather begins to change, as do the needs of our pets.  From household poisons to cold weather hazards, there are plenty of safety issues to consider! See our top autumn pet safety tips below to help keep your pet happy and healthy this autumn.

Watch out for conkers and acorns

Not only do conkers pose a choking hazard, they also contain a poison called aesculin, which is found in all parts of the Horse Chestnut Tree, including the leaves. Serious cases of conker poisoning in dogs are rare, as for toxicity to occur dogs normally need to ingest a number of conkers, however you should still be weary when taking your dog(s) for walks in the autumnal months. Signs of poisoning can include vomiting, diarrhoea, salivation, increased thirst, abdominal pain and a reduced appetite.

Keep the parasites at bay

When fleas bite and suck blood, it can cause itching and skin irritation in your pets; fleas can also spread diseases and a variety of medical problems. Don’t let fleas make life miserable for your pet; speak to your vet about appropriate flea control!

BOO! Look out for your pet on Halloween…

A night of spooky shenanigans is great fun for humans, but Halloween can frighten your pets – therefore it is important to plan ahead. If you know your pets are sensitive to noise, keep them in a quiet room where you can keep an eye on them. In addition, be aware of chocolate and hard candies floating around on the night; chocolate can be extremely harmful to dogs and cats, and hard candies could pose a choking hazard.

Clear garden leaves

The changing colours of leaves are one of the pleasures of autumn; however they can cause problems for pets. Damp leaves, especially when piled up, are prone to bacteria and mould. If ingested by your dog or cat, this could lead to digestive problems such as a loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhoea.  If you decide to burn leaves in your garden, ensure your pet stays clear when you do so, and thoroughly check for wildlife such as hedgehogs hiding in piles of leaves before you light that match!