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Spring is here: Take note of these spring pet safety tips!

Spring Pet Safety Tips Image

Keep your pet safe this spring!

Flowers are blooming all around us, the days are becoming lighter, and the cleaning products are out in full force, which can only mean one thing – seasons are changing and springtime is upon us! Great news for dogs and cats everywhere, the longer days and sunnier weather leaves more room for adventures in the outdoors. As a pet owner, watch out for the following hazards and make sure your pet is as healthy as can it be this Spring!

Animals have allergies too!

Just like humans, some seasonal plants can cause allergies in domestic animals, so it is important to speak to your local vets if you notice any irritation. Worse, seasonal plants such as lilies can be toxic to animals; plants to avoid include daffoldil bulbs and foxgloves. For a full list of house and garden plants poisonous to dogs, see the Kennel Club website.  A list of plants poisonous to cats can be found here. Additionally, be careful when using pesticides as lawn care and gardening products can also be harmful to pets.

Fend off the fleas and ticks!

Making sure your pet is regularly cleaned and groomed can help to prevent skin irritations from allergies, fleas or ticks; as well as regulating their temperature. Additionally, speak to your vet about preventive medication and flea and tick control programmes for a plan that suits your pets individual needs.

Longer days, longer walks – Don’t lose em!

Longer time spent in the outdoors means more opportunities for your pets to wander off. To ensure the best chance for pets to be returned safely, ensure both collar ID tags and microchip information are up-to-date and worn by your pets when they are outdoors. Please be aware in the UK it is a legal requirement for all dogs to be microchipped by the time they are eight weeks old. Further information on how you can do this can be found here.