Get involved in National VN Awareness Month – July 2012

If you are a veterinary nurse and are passionate about your profession then why not get involved with this year’s ‘National Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month’ which runs from the 1-31 July?

Help promote the importance of the veterinary nursing profession and educate the general public about the different roles of nursing staff in practice by organising an event such as a practice open day or enter the photo competition; there are some great prizes on offer!

Category A | Best Community Event ‘Raising awareness of the role of the veterinary nurse’
Prize: Laptop & runner-up prize Kindle kindly sponsored by ‘VN Times’

Category B | Best Careers Event ‘Promoting a career in veterinary nursing’
Prize: Apple iPod Touch & runner-up prize £100 high street vouchers kindly sponsored by ‘Royal Canin’

Category C | Best Photo ‘A veterinary nurse working above and beyond the call of duty’
(The winning photo will be used as a visual for the 2013 Poster)
Prize: Digital Camera & runner-up prize Pocket Camcorder kindly sponsored by ‘Protexin Veterinary’

For a free events pack please contact the British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) on 01279 408644 or register online via