The Dog Guardian of the Underworld

Is this the real life Cerberus from Greek and Roman mythology?

Xoloitzcuintli - by Keith Barraclough / DCL

‘Chabella’ the 5 year-old Mexican Xolo (Photo credit: Keith Barraclough / DCL)

The Xolo (pronounced “Sholo” and short for; ‘Xoloitzcuintli’) is a 3000 year-old breed of dog originating from the ancient Mexican Aztecs and Mayans, who believed that this sacred animal would escort the dead on their journey to the underworld. Xolo’s have recently been making headlines due to them being featured as a ‘new breed’ at this months Westminster Kennel Club dog show in New York.

Wikipedia: A Young Toy-Xolo

Wikipedia: A Young Toy-Xolo

The breed ranges in size from 4kg to 20kg and feature long necks, sleek bodies, almond shaped eyes and large bat-like ears. Xolo’s are notable for their dominant trait of hairlessness, but most litters do contain coated puppies. The hairlessness is likely to have originated as a spontaneous mutation of indigenous American dogs and offers a survival advantage in its’ native tropical climate.

Visit Wikipedia for more images and facts about the Xolo

Featured image photo credit: Keith Barraclough / DCL