VN Council election 2015: quiz the candidates

The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons have announced the candidates standing in the Veterinary Nurses (VN) Council elections this year, and is inviting veterinary nurses to put their questions to them directly.

There are three veterinary nurses standing in this year’s VN Council elections, including one existing VN Council member eligible for re-election. They are:

• Mrs Lucy Bellwood RVN
• Mrs Elizabeth Cox RVN
• Miss Marie Rippingale RVN

Ballot papers and candidates’ details are due to be posted to all eligible to vote during the week commencing 16 March, and all votes must be cast, either online or by post, by 5pm on Friday 24 April 2015. Each candidate will be invited to choose two questions to answer from all those received, and produce a video or audio recording of their answers. All recordings will be published on the RCVS website on Thursday 19 March.

Nurses should email their question (NB one per person) to  VNvote15@rcvs.org.uk, or post it on twitter using the hashtag #VNvote15 by midday on Monday 9 March.