Clinical Coach Standardisation Process

Standardisation events are essential for all clinical coaches that are supporting The College of Animal Welfare (CAW) veterinary nursing students. All CAW clinical coaches must attend at least one standardisation event per year in accordance with the signed Memorandum of Agreement. These are held every month and are free of charge.

The College of Animal Welfare’s standardisation sessions provide an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions with other clinical coaches from a variety of practices. Meet up with other clinical coaches, share best practices, and find out the latest news and developments in veterinary nurse training with The College of Animal Welfare. You will also have the opportunity to work on any problem areas to ensure that clinical coaches are working towards the same targets and standards.

The Nursing Progress Log (NPL) is the log of practical skills carried out by the student veterinary nurse and it is important that clinical coaches are up to date with current procedures and guidelines, for example:

  • Changes to the awarding organisation and the implications for the Level 3 Diploma
  • Any improvements/amendments that have been made to the NPL
  • Demonstration of how to correctly navigate the CAW VLE and identify key supporting documents
  • Understand how to reference correctly with the NPL to ensure auditable data is provided
  • Demonstration of a standardised approach to assessment for competency on the NPL and for OSCE tasks
  • Understand and identify the requirements for VN3 landmarks and VN4 equine skills
  • Identify the importance of tutorial provision for support and planning

A combination of lecturer input; practical demonstration and participation; and group discussion will be included to ensure that all attendees find the session enjoyable and motivating.


Active clinical coaches will receive email notification in advance of their standardisation due date, along with dates of future standardisation events. If the clinical coach does not attend a standardisation event they will receive an email requesting them to book onto an event. If the clinical coach still hasn’t attended standardisation they will automatically be booked onto the next available event and will receive an email detailing this. If the clinical coach fails to attend this standardisation event the QAS will contact them to inform them that NPL access will be removed immediately.

Failure to attend standardisation could result in access to the NPL being removed and an alternative clinical coach will need to be sourced. If an alternative clinical coach cannot be found then a representative from The College of Animal Welfare will step in and the practice will be charged as per the Training Practice fees.

Dates and locations for standardisation events are available on The College of Animal Welfare website.

If you have any questions regarding standardisation please contact your Quality Assurance Supervisor.